
Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award 2022
Atlas Honda Limited won 1st position for ‘Best Corporate Report 2021’ in ‘Engineering & Autos’ sector. These awards are organized each year by joint committee of ICAP and ICMAP where annual reports of companies across Pakistan are critically assessed by evaluation committee and best reports are awarded. In addition, the company also won overall 2nd position for “Best Sustainability Report 2021’. Mr. Kashif Yasin, CFO Atlas Honda Ltd received the prestigious honor from the committee members.
Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award and Best Integrated Report’ by SAFA. Awarded 2022
- Launch of CD 70 MMC. Received ‘Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award’ by Joint Committee of ICAP and ICMAP.
- Awarded merit certificate for ‘Best Integrated Report’ by SAFA. Awarded at 14th International CSR Summit & Awards 2021 by NFEH.

Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award 2021
- Award for Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award in “Engineering Sector” by the Joint Committee of ICAP and ICMAP;
- Awards by National Forum for Environment & Health in the categories of Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Research & Publication and Environment & Waste Management.
Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award 2020
- Top 25 Companies Award by Pakistan Stock Exchange for the year 2017 and 2018;
- Merit certificate for Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award in “Engineering Sector” by the Joint Committee of ICAP and ICMAP;
- Awards by National Forum for Environment & Health in the categories of Corporate Social Responsibility Report, Research & Publication and Environment & Waste Management.

Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Awards 2019
Atlas Honda Limited secured first position in the engineering sector for its annual report for the year 2019 at the “Best Corporate and Sustainability Report (BCSR) 2019 Awards”. The BCSR awards are jointly organized by ICAP and ICMAP every year. This was the fourth time that the Company has been ranked first and has been a part of the winners list for eight years in a row.
Top 25 Companies Award
Atlas Honda Limited received Top 25 Companies Award by Pakistan Stock Exchange for the year 2017 and 2018. This was the Company’s 7th consecutive award which is a testimony of the Company’s continued exemplary performance.

Atlas Honda Limited received two awards at 12th Corporate Social Responsibility Awards for the year 2020. Through these awards, the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) selects top companies on the basis of their performance against a comprehensive criteria. Mr. Qamar Nazir received the awards on behalf of the Company.
Merit Certificate for Best Corporate and Sustainability Report Award
Atlas Honda Limited received merit certificate for its Annual Report 2019 in engineering sector. The ceremony for distribution of awards for the Best Corporate and Sustainability Report was jointly arranged by ICAP and ICMAP.

AHL Received Two Awards at 11th CSR Awards for the Year 2019
Atlas Honda Limited received two awards at 11th Corporate Social Responsibility Awards for the year 2019. Every year, the National Forum for Environment and Health (NFEH) selects top companies and acknowledges their accomplishments against a comprehensive criteria. Mr. Qamar Nazir received the awards on behalf of the Company.
AHL Won 4th Position for its Annual Report 2018
Atlas Honda Limited won 4th position for its Annual Report 2018 in the engineering sector. The ceremony for distribution of awards for the Best Corporate and Sustainability Report was jointly arranged by ICAP and ICMAP.

Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2018
Atlas Honda Limited won 2 awards namely “Best CSR Report, Research & Publication Award” and “Best Environment & Waste Management Award” at a ceremony hosted by National Federation of Environment and Health (NFEH) in Islamabad. The ceremony was held to honor the corporations that have the best CSR profiles in the country. Mr. Qamar Nazir received the awards on behalf of the Company.
Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2017
Atlas Honda Limited won 2 awards namely “Best Corporate Report, Research & Publication Award” and “Best Environment & Waste Management Award” at a ceremony hosted by National Federation of Environment and Health (NFEH) in Islamabad. The ceremony was held to honor the corporations that have the best CSR profiles in the country. Mr. Naeem Mohsin received the awards on behalf of the Company.

Corporate Report Awards 2015
Atlas Honda Limited has won 1st Position in the Best Corporate Report Awards 2015. The Awards are hosted each year by the joint committee of ICAP and ICMAP where Annual Reports of Top companies / multinationals are evaluated. This is Company’s 3rd consecutive victory in these awards, having previously won it in 2014 and 2013. In addition, the company also won 4th position for best Sustainability Report Award. Mr. Saquib H. Shirazi, CEO Atlas Honda Ltd received the prestigious honor from the committee members.
PSX Top 25 Companies Awards for the Years 2014 & 2015
The Company’s healthy pay-outs to shareholders and high market capitalization earned it PSX Top 25 Companies Awards for the years 2014 & 2015. The award is given by Pakistan Stock Exchange to the top performing companies in the stock market. Prime Minister of Pakistan handed over the award.